
Instagram: @sadgirldiaries__

Website: sadgirldiaries.com



  • 1st Place - $300

The winning story or essay will be published online in the Sad Girl Diaries Magazine.


Contest Description:

Welcome to the Summer Fiction & Nonfiction Contest! We want to see emotional writing that explores what it means to be human. Please check out a few stories/creative nonfiction pieces from our site to get a feel for the types of writing we publish. We look forward to seeing what you have to offer.


Submissions for this contest will close on September 15, 2024 and the winner will be announced on October 15, 2024 on our website and via email. 


We charge a reading fee of $15 per submission. We also offer options to receive feedback on your submission for an additional charge.


Please submit your work and adhere to the following guidelines:

You may submit up to:

  • 1 short story under 4,000 words.​
  • 1 creative nonfiction piece under 6,000 words.
  • 3 flash fiction stories under 1,000 words each (submitted in one document).

Please send your work in a single Word Document.

Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but only unpublished work will be considered for this contest. Please withdraw your submission if it's accepted elsewhere.

Multiple entries are allowed.


Instagram: @sadgirldiaries__

Website: sadgirldiaries.com


We are accepting submissions for Sad Girl Diaries—An Online Literary Magazine. We want to read stories, poems, and essays that explore what it means to be human. Make us laugh. Make us cry. Make us feel.

Please read a few posts from our site to get a sense of the types of work we publish.


Please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Poetry - Up to 3 poems.
  • Flash Fiction - Up to 3 stories under 1,000 words each.
  • Short Story - Submit 1 story under 4,000 words.
  • Creative Nonfiction - Submit 1 essay under 4,000 words.

Please send your work in a single Word Document.

Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but only unpublished work will be considered for our magazine. Please withdraw your submission if it's accepted elsewhere.

Multiple submissions are allowed.

We review work on a rolling basis.

Instagram: @sadgirldiaries__

Website: sadgirldiaries.com

Submit your writing here for the opportunity to have your poem, story, or essay critiqued by a Sad Girl Diaries editor. One of our editors will read your submission and provide actionable feedback that you can take into consideration to bring your writing to the next level. Feedback may be centered around pacing, form, dialogue, theme, or other aspects of your writing. We look forward to seeing what you have to offer!

Note: We will accept and review submissions on a rolling basis. Simultaneous submissions and multiple submissions are allowed.


  • Flash fiction - Submit up to 3 stories under 1000 words each.
  • Short Story - Submit 1 story under 4,000 words.
  • Creative Nonfiction - Submit 1 essay under 4,000 words.
  • Poetry - Submit up to 3 poems.

Please include your submission as a single Word document.

Sad Girl Diaries 💜